Steve Neill


Full name: Jeffery Steven Neill
Family: Wife: Sharon, Sons: Ben, Tim, Reese, Sam
Ministry Role: Lead Pastor
Dream vacation: Return to Tanzania so the boys could see their “home”
What’s your regular order at Starbucks: Decaf brewed coffee
Favorite movie(s): Joe Versus the Volcano, The Untouchables, The Godfather
Life motto: “If you dont love me, you don’t know me!”
Favorite scripture: Acts 4:10
Things that fascinate me: Fractals
Previous jobs: Accountant
One thing that most people don’t know about me: I enjoy counted crosstitch
Years in Ministry: 33
When and where did you get saved: Red Oak FBC 1969
Music that moves me: Barber’s “Adegio for strings”
Favorite style of Music: Classical and Contemporary Christian
Life-changing moment: Stepping off the plane in Africa
Hidden talent: I can hum and whistle at the same time
Fears: I fear my lack of fear
Favorite book(s): My Utmost for His Highest
In my spare time I... like to crosstitch with the radio on (no TV)
Least favorite food: Dried Fish (actually most fish)
What makes you laugh? Mr. Bean
What is weird about you? I’m never satisfied with where I am in my life: spiritually or physically!

The most exotic place you’ve ever been to: Zanzibar
Least favorite thing to do: Go to meetings